Gothenburg university logotype


Courses given by us are within human computer interaction, interaction design, programming and artificial intelligence. We teach primarily students within information systems and cognitive science, but also give independent courses. We are currently involved in developing the new master program in human centered artificial intelligence.

Human-centered Artificial Intelligence (120HP)

The program provides students with an in-depth understanding of how AI is transforming society and gives them the skills necessary to take leading roles in that transformation.

icon depicting human computer interaction

Human-Computer Interaction (7.5HP)

This course introduces human-computer interaction, focusing on user-centered design, to students within information systems.

Icon depicting design and AI

Design & AI (15HP)

The course deals with AI and machine learning as a design material, and aims to give students skills in thinking about AI when designing and developing new services.

Flutter logotype

Programming of mobile apps in Flutter (15HP)

An introductory course to mobile app development. It uses Flutter to develop cross platform applications.

icon depicting cognition

Cognitive perspectives in Human-Machine Interaction (15HP)

This course gives an introduction and an overview to the field of human computer interaction to students within cognitive science.

Icon for interaction design and AI

Interaction design and AI (15HP)

The course is a part of the departements new MA program Human Centered AI and deals with interaction design with a focus on artificial intelligence.